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今年夏天, Mr. 马克Ciccarelli '84 开始了他作为中央天主教第一人的角色 校园安全总监. 除了是一名校友外,他还是一名校友. Ciccarelli is the parent of two graduates and has led a distinguished career in the field of public safety.

中央天主教社区兴奋地欢迎. 马克Ciccarelli, 84年回家!

Mr. Ciccarelli has a true passion and vision for keeping our campus community safe.

CCHS最近采访了奥巴马. 问他的经历, as well as his goals for keeping our CCHS a welcoming and safe place for everyone.


先生的声明. 克里斯托弗·F. 81届的苏利文,中央天主教的校长


“我们一起在这个变化如此之大的世界里航行, 我们感谢我们的教员, 工作人员, 还有家庭给我们带来的稳定, 爱, 以及我们学生生命中的成长."

来协助你完成这次任务, and to make sure that Central Catholic will always be a place where our community feels safe and cared for, 我们设立了校园安全主管的职位.

“我们非常高兴地欢迎. 马克Ciccarelli, 1984届毕业生,两个校友的家长,来扮演这个角色. Mr. 马克Ciccarelli是劳伦斯警察局的一名退休人员, and most recently has been the Operations Manager of Tufts Medical Center (Boston) Police and Public Safety. He has also served Central as a member of the Safety Sub-Committee for the past two years."

在他的新角色中,奥巴马说. Ciccarelli将负责我们的迎宾台和停车场保安, 以及监督项目的发展, 实现, and supervision of CCHS programs pertaining to the promotion and maintenance of 工作人员 and student safety."

Meet Mr. Ciccarelli...

Mr. 马克Ciccarelli, 84级,校园安全主管

Mr. 马克Ciccarelli, 84级,校园安全主管

“我对安全和安保充满热情, and being able to pursue this role and be part of the proud history and mission at CCHS is the highlight of a 33-year career in law enforcement,” Mr. 马克Ciccarelli '84他目前居住在托普斯菲尔德.

He is looking forward to working with high school students as "this stage of development in a young person’s life is extremely difficult and challenging and being able to be a part of their growth in a positive way is important and rewarding."

Mr. Ciccarelli, 他是劳伦斯人,1984年毕业于CCHS, 是一个骄傲的突袭者, 还有他的孩子,他们也是校友.

"I have seen first-hand all the great things CCHS has accomplished over the years, 我非常感激能够再次成为CCHS大家庭的一员."

Mr. Ciccarelli earned an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology and a graduate degree from the University of Massachusetts (Lowell, MA). 他还接受了POST(警务人员标准和培训)方面的培训。, CPR/BLS认证了吗, and is a Certified Massachusetts Police Officer – a role that earned him 劳伦斯 Exchange Club Police Officer of the Year (twice) and the Massachusetts State Police "George Hanna" Award recipient for Bravery.

在校外, 马克是一个狂热的健身爱好者,喜欢举重, 是真正的犯罪小说的粉丝, and is a proud dog dad to a beautiful female Leonberger and a sweet male pit bull Rottweiler rescue. He also 爱s 70’s music and old movies and is a huge college and professional football fan.

CCHS的遗产-先生. Ciccarelli的女儿Olivia R. Ciccarelli '14,儿子R标志. Ciccarelli '21和他的兄弟Richard V. Ciccarelli 77.

Mr. Ciccarelli的有趣事实...


下面, R标志. Ciccarelli 21签署了他的意向书 2021年3月去宾利大学踢足球.

马克Ciccarelli '21在签约NLI后与家人合影

Mr. Ciccarelli & Mr. 努涅斯帮助推广返乡节

上图:先生. Ciccarelli & Mr. 努涅斯帮助推广2023年返校节.

问Mr的六个问题. Ciccarelli


在我的公共安全之旅中,我有过几次停留. I have a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. I began my career shortly after college in 1989 with the 劳伦斯 Police Department, 后来在圣何塞警察局工作, 在CA工作了几年. I returned to 劳伦斯 Police in 1995 but took advantage of an excellent opportunity to become a Special Agent with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency).

随着时间的推移, I missed my home – the 劳伦斯 Police Department – and was assigned as a Detective in the Narcotics Division, where I was soon promoted to Sergeant and accepted a position as a Patrol Supervisor. After a few years, I was assigned to lead the Narcotics Division and was soon promoted to Lieutenant.

In 2016, I was reassigned to supervise the newly formed Bureau of Special Investigations, 2018年, 我被提升为指挥官, 我一直担任这个职位直到2022年退休.

退休后, I served as the Operations Manager of the Police and Public Safety Department at Tufts Medical Center. 当然, once the opportunity to serve as the 校园安全总监 became available at Central Catholic, 我欣然接受了这个机会,谦卑而自豪地为我的母校CCHS服务.

Q2: What are the major duties of your new position as 校园安全总监?

My major duties as it pertains to this role are to ensure that our campus is safe from any potential external threats, 学生们, 教师, 工作人员, visitors – and all other visitors present on campus - are prepared in case of major emergencies.


我们正在进行许多令人兴奋的项目! A lot of campus safety progress has been made over the last five years prior to my arrival, 包括监控摄像系统, 卡访问控制, 警惕访客管理. My team is now working on expanding these areas in size and scope and making sure we evolve with all the current trends in safety and technology. 正如我们所说, we are adding more cameras and additional door access control in order to widen the scope of already existing controls here at CCHS. 自我上任以来,我还增加了两名全职校园安全联络员(Mr. 1991年的巴兹尔. Deanna Savary '15) to the Welcome Desk, which will be 工作人员ed from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM daily. We are also adding 20 vape detection units in various bathrooms throughout the school. 未来还会有更多!


我的首要和最终目标是为每一个CCHS的学生, 教师, 工作人员 member and visitor to campus to be prepared in case of an unexpected event. 这不仅对学校的安全很重要, 而是让CCHS社区感到他们是安全的.

学生们,有什么事吗, 父母, 和其他游客应该知道他们计划什么时候来CCHS校园?

主要是, it would be very helpful for students (and all members of the CCHS community) to wear their CCHS ID to show that they are a member of our community. 也, 所有非学生或教职员需到迎宾台办理入住手续, 除非是学生,否则我们不允许任何人进入大楼, 教职员工. 所有其他游客将被引导到正门. 最重要的是,如果你看到什么,说出来!


维护校园安全就是保护所有学生, 教师, 以及各种可能情况下的员工. 当个人在学校感到不安全时, 无论是情感上还是身体上, 他们会分心, 我们希望他们成功!

祝先生好运。. Ciccarelli在他的新角色!

认识中央天主教Campus Safety Team的成员...

Ms. 迪安娜·萨瓦里,15年级,校园安全联络员

Ms. 迪安娜·萨瓦里,15年级,校园安全联络员

"The Central Catholic community is unlike any other community I have ever been a part of,” Ms. 迪安娜·萨瓦里,15岁, 2015年从中央天主教大学毕业的.

"I would like to be a leader and an example for young students and help their growth and overall development. 高中生对世界如何运转有了更好的理解, 然而,他们还有很多东西要学."

除了她的新安全职位之外,她还说. Savary helps coach the CCHS Girls Varsity Lacrosse Team and still finds time to give presentations in the community about why learning CPR is important.

Ms. Savary earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology from University of Massachusetts at Lowell.


“无论我是在健身房,我总是做一些事情来保持活跃, 在散步或徒步旅行中, 或者只是坐在外面."

CCHS遗产. 萨瓦里的兄弟,大卫·萨瓦里13岁.

Ms. 萨瓦里的趣事...


Mr. Basil Chingros, 91届,校园安全联络员

Mr. Basil Chingros, 91届,校园安全联络员

作为一名前突袭者, Mr. Basil Chingros, 91年 thought this new position would be a "great opportunity" to come back to campus.

Mr. Chingros, 谁现在住在塞勒姆, NH, earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from University of Massachusetts (Lowell, MA). 在他的空闲时间,他喜欢锻炼.

CCHS遗产:Basil的兄弟- Jason Chingros '97

Mr. Chingros的趣事...

“当我还是CCHS的学生时,我是a教练的(Mr. Chuck Adamopolous (CCHS老师)老师的宠物!"



Contact the Welcome Desk with questions and concerns and to report any issues.

  • 电话:978-682-0260分机. 613
  • 电子邮件:cchssafety@centralcatholic.网